Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Perception Art Exhibition March 24 & 25, 2018 with Sue Foerster & Alexandra K. Conrad


  Perception  Art Exhibition
 March 24 and 25 
  Sue Foerster &
 Alexandra K. Conrad
@The Mill Pond Gallery
314 Mill St. Richmond Hill 
gallery hours 11am to 5:30pm.
905 770-7449, rhga.ca

             March 25 Sunday  1-3 pm. music with Jose de Castro of CastroRadio.net

parking beverage and snacks provided
We hope you Enjoy The Show
Sue Foerster  pencilgallery.wixsite.com/foerster-drawings
Alexandra K Conrad www.akconradart.com/

The ability to see, hear or become aware of something
 through the senses.
 How we respond to our understanding, is an interpretation, 
mental artistic impression.
 An artist of rare perception.

sample work by Alexandra https://rhga.ca/alexandra-conrad/

Sample work by Sue   https://rhga.ca/sue-foerster/




Friday, 23 June 2017

Print Work in Process for the Richmond Hill Studio Tour 15th Anniversary by Sue Foerster

Print Work in Process for the Richmond Hill Studio Tour 15th Anniversary by Sue Foerster

Pulling monoprints from plexiglass using gesture drawing as the underlying structure for inspiration. Experimenting with a new approach, a new direction, a detour to work out new ideas while embracing my passion for the human figure.

Achieving an effect, layer by layer, and colour by colour with acrylic and gel medium painted on plexiglass and pressed on to watercolour paper with a brayer and human hands.
This is a dry paper method and an exploration of transparency beyond monoprinting created with many pulls, requiring registration marks for accurate placement.
The goal is to create a 3 dimensional print allowing the beauty of the paper to do it's thing.
Boldness and gusto is payment enough for growth.
An artist is not a finished product that stays the same.

Final printed versions will be on display and available for purchase at The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill St., Oct 13, Friday 6-10pm. Art bus,Oct 14, Sat 10am to 5pm. and Oct 15, Sun 10am to 5pm.

painted swift brush strokes on plexiglass  with acrylic and gel medium, overlay of gesture sketch 2 min pose studies from life model

painterly lines and first colour application on plexiglass

application of next colour

continuing the many layers adding depth to the subject

adding contrast to the subject
finding the form with printed  loose brush strokes

final stage print

close up of final stage print

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Sue Foerster exhibition June and July 2017show at Citro

Carousel by Sue Foerster June and July show 
at Citro Italian Restaurant
10123 Yonge Street in Richmond Hill
Yonge Street /Arnold  http://Citrorestaurant.com
Sue Foerster...... foersterguerrero@gmail.com

Monday, 6 March 2017

Fill Your Heart with The Power of Art March 25 and 26 at The Mill Pond Gallery

                         Fill Your Heart with The Power of Art 

                    March 25 and 26 at The Mill Pond Gallery

                                       We cordially invite you to attend an exciting exhibition 
                                        with artists Sue Foerster and Alexandra K. Conrad  
                                               and a slice of live musical performances              
                @The Mill Pond Gallery, 314 Mill Street Richmond Hill, Gallery hours 11am to 5pm.
                                                             rhga.ca 905-770-7449
                   Music, March 25, Saturday 1-3pm., with Janna de Haan and Rob Wessel
                    Music, March 26, Sunday 1-3pm., with Jose de Castro of CastroRadio.net

Thursday, 26 January 2017

Tutu by Sue Foerster/inspired from Swan Lake Ballet

The first tutu was made in 1839 for Marie Taglioni and was designed by Eugene Lam.
Tutu's are hand sewn and it takes about a week to make without decoration.
The Dying swan costume was designed in the 40's and 50's for the Swan Lake Ballet for ballerina Anna Pavlova.

I decided to make a sculpture that captivated the dying swan scene in Swan Lake.
Combining modern day elements and steam punk imagination.

And an oil and cold wax painting showing Odette in mid transformation from her enchantment as night falls.

Here is the story of Swan Lake.
Act 1
Story unfolds Prince Siegfried is celebrating his 21st Birthday.
The celebration dance is interrupted by the arrival of Siegfried's Mother who reminds him
that his coming of age means he must marry.
prospective fiancees are to be presented for his approval at a grand ball the next evening.
Siegfried is not happy and does not want to marry yet.
act himself he sets off to hunt.
Act 2
Siegfried and companions encounter a flight of swans. Siegfried commands the he shall be allowed to shoot the first one.
The companions leave and Siegfried is amazed to see the lead swan transform in to a beautiful woman as she lands by the lake.
She tells him that she is Odette, Queen of a group of maidens who have been enchanted by the magician Von Rothbart.
By day the must live as swans, only by night fall can they resume their human form.
Siegfried falls deeply in love with this graceful creature, and is told that the enchantment can only be broken if he swears to love Odette and no other.
Von Rothbart appears, aware that his spell may be broken and menaces Siegfried. As dawn breaks the maidens resume the form of swans.
Act 3
The following night, the court is assembled in a Palace-Ball-Room for the reception of prospective fiancees.
Siegfried's mind is distracted.
Suddenly the announcement heralds, it is Von Rothbart in disguise as a Nobleman, bringing with him his daughter Odile, who has taken on the appearance of Odette.
Siegfried is enraptured and dances with her, and Odile is prompted by Von Rothbart and bewitches the Prince, he then asks for her hand in marriage and swears it to be true.
Devilish glee by Von Rothbart and Odile who both reveal themselves on their true colours and the figure of the real Odette is seen grieving at the Palace window.
Odette has been betrayed and she can never be released from her enchantment.
Act 4
Swans gather at the Lake-side awaiting Odette who appears lamenting Siegfried's unwitting treachery.
Siegfried comes to beg for Odette's forgiveness, she tells him that her only solution is to destroy themselves in the lake.
Fleeing from Von Rothbart, Odette and Siegfried both plunge in to the waters of the lake.
Their sacrifice ends the enchanter's power, and he falls dead.
The rest of the maidens are restored to human form, as Siegfried and Odette are united.

Odette in mid transformation oil and cold wax by Sue Foerster

Dying Swan scene enchantment is broken by sacrifice Tutu mixed media sculpture by Sue Foerster

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

RHSTOUR 2017 Sue Foerster

                        RHSTOUR 2017 Submissions by Sue Foerster 

Image for brochure advertisement for rhstour 2017
airbrush illustration of ballerina model Barbie by Sue Foerster

           image samples for display for rhsTour2017


 Cv and Artist Statement